Benefits & Advantages
Optimize Gate Fee (tipping fee) Revenue and Energy Output Revenue:
Unlike the typical incineration technology which can process only MSW and similar feedstocks, Westinghouse Plasma Company gasifier can process almost any feedstock including both solids and liquids. Plus, it can process a blend of feedstocks. Project owners can optimize their revenue streams by determining the correct mix of feedstocks based on calorific value and gate fee.
As long as there is some flexibility built into the feedstock handling systems, plasma gasification facility owners can change feedstocks over the life of the plant to take advantage of feedstocks with higher gate fees.

Reduce Start-up and Operational Risk
The issues normally associated with the operation of first-generation technology have been experienced and solved. Westinghouse Plasma Company’s experience during the commissioning and operations will result in a shorter commissioning period and higher availability in facility operation.